Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Sex Education Is A Gatway To Hell

AHHHhahahhahaha Bristol Palin is Pregers!!!! I love this election! It's so entertaining.

So NOW it doesn't matter if the rumors that Sarah Palin was covering for her daughters illegitimate pregnancy are true or not because Bristol is apparently 5 months pregnant. Hurray for abstinence! She is 17 and not married. But wait!? I thought that she was raised as a good christian and therefore has god as her moral compass?. Maybe it's a virgin birth like Mary? Maybe she's carrying our NEW lord and savior, updated for the new millennium (much faster at doing magic tricks). That's why we can't teach abstinence as a form of birth control! It doesn't work and just leaves kids extremely confused about the reality of sex.I feel so sorry for this girl. Now the whole country knows shes a dirty, sinful whore who deserves to burn in hell! And what about her poor boyfriend? They HAVE to get married. They're lives are over. Now they can live in ignorant misery for the rest of their lives. Then again, they were probably going to do that anyway. Oh well, this is really none of my business and has absolutely nothing to do with Sarah Palin's capabilities as VP. But it's just so damn funny and gives me a nice warm fuzzy felling of vindication.

Wait, I take that back about it not mattering if Palin was faking that pregnancy or not. If Trig really is her baby then that means she really did make a conscious decision (knowing full well that her son had Down's syndrome and she was only 7 1/2 months pregnant) to give that speech in Texas after her water broke. Then while leaking amniotic fluid hopped on a plane, flew to Seattle, caught a connecting flight to Alaska, then drove to Wasilla to give birth. What The Fuck Lady?

Wait yet agin! I just saw this on Digg. Sarah Palin cut funding for teen mothers. It just gets better and better. Or actually I should say worse and worse because that's horrible.

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