Monday, September 1, 2008

Sarah Palin? LOL No really who did McCain pick?

I know way too much about this woman. I was never even suppose to know Sarah Palin existed let alone know about her faked pregnancy, her fanatical religious beliefs, her so called feminism, her pro-life stance, her total ignorance of federal governing, her beauty pageant failures, her willingness to drill in Alaska, her dismissal of global warming, and her over-all suckiness as a human being. The more I find out the more disgusted I become. I mean who opposes helping endangered species? Of course, I was prepared to hate whomever McCain picked. But it would most likely have been some kind of generic "the republicans are morons" hate. The hate I feel for Sarah Palin is much more personal. It's blog-inducing hate.

This choice by the GOP is desperate and offensive. It is offensive to women, Hillary supporters, Republicans, Democrats, Palin herself, & everyone who believes in democracy. Nobody is going to be fooled by this. I am not a people person. I am the first to think and say that most people are ignorant or just plain idiotic. But I don't think that anybody could be so foolish as to see this as anything other than a slap in the face. Did they really think they were being clever and sneaky with this this? I would like to believe that the GOP has this underground bunker where they have their top evil geniuses working round the clock coming up with devious plans to take over the world. The have a plan for every possible scenario and a plethora of people specially bred for their use and one of these black robe clad super villains came in with Palin, a girl who has trained for this her whole life. But I'm realizing that they have absolutely no plan whatsoever for anything. They haven't planned the next five minutes. I mean, they're all trust fund babies. Why would they ever have to plan for the future? It's already been taken care of. Their horrible fumblings are embarrassing to watch but even more embarrassing to fall prey too. It all kind of reminds me of Spinal Tap. How they pretend to be a band and we pretend to be their fans. Am I suppose to jump on this broken bandwagon and pretend that it's going somewhere? Do those Hillary supporters who are "voting" for McCain because she successfully made them hate Obama think that this a god send? Now they can vote for a woman and call themselves progressive feminists! I sincerely hope that's not why they were voting for Hillary. What do Republicans think? Aren't they offended? I mean who is this inexperienced person that they're suppose to wholeheartedly throw their support behind? Are they just going to play along and say that she's a good choice? They don't know what kind of VP she would make because she doesn't even know. But then again that's seems like what they're doing with McCain. Republican politicians are desperate and will do anything to win. It must be hard to actually believe in the ideals of Republican governing. As a Democrat (a very liberal one) I am offended. This is a mockery of democracy (hey that kinda rhymes). We as Democrats have worked so hard to achieve the civil rights we have today. Women's rights, racial equality, Basic humanity are all things that they have tried to hold us back from. Now that we live in a somewhat civilized nation they are slowly starting to realize that people, all people, like to be treated equally. Revolution is in our blood as Americans and we like to see the former oppressed rise up. Those are our proudest moments in history. Now they are trying to exploit that fact. I would like to say that her being a woman had nothing to do with the choice but I like telling the truth more so I can't. As a woman I am really offended. I'm offended by how gullible and down right stupid the GOP thinks I must be. I don't care how many vaginas a person has! I bet they're regretting it now though. So many scandals have come out in the few days since this announcement. She is not just a horrible choice for VP she is a horrible person. On that note how does she feel? I know McCain didn't want her. He wanted Lieberman. He was pressured into picking Palin and since he's a good little boy he went along with it. But doesn't she feel used and embarrassed? Isn't she offended that she was picked because she's a young attractive woman, and easily manipulated?
That she was picked not in spite of her inexperience but because of it? Not because of anything that she's achieved or believes but because she can be told what to believe? This is not the way that politics should be. This is not how a presidential election should be. These are not the people that should be running my country.

When I was a kid I thought that politicians and all the people that work so hard running our country had to be geniuses. They had to be the smartest people in the world. When I would hear them give an address or see them on the news I just thought how I would never be able to be a politician because I would never be smart enough. I could never wrap my little brain around what they were talking about. I of course never paid much attention anyway. I mean I was a kid, so who cares about what boring old white men had to say. My parents are your basic Christian Republicans. Not the crazy hardcore fundamentalists by a long shot, much more casual, but Republican none-the-less. But they were never big on talking politics so I was left to form my own opinion. I had just turned 15 when the 2000 election came around. It was nice to have a little bit more of an understanding of what the stances and policies of each candidate were. I had made up my own mind on where I stood with the issues and was rooting for Gore but, of course, was sadly disappointed. The whole recount and the resulting stolen election had embittered me and opened my eyes. I was suddenly a long way away from my 8 year old self who in '92 drew a picture of my candidate of choice - George Bush Senior - for my second grade class. The system doesn't work! Well, it can't work if you don't use it. Then in '04 I had my chance to make a difference and vote. I felt so proud and enthusiastic about the future. But still felt a little uninformed. I didn't know as much as I should have about Kerry. I was entrusting him with my country after all. But I wasn't so ignorant or naive to think that it was anything more than a case of "anyone but Bush". Kerry wasn't a bad guy but there were better. I was debating on whether or not to write in my vote for Nadar, since California was sure to go to Kerry, right up until I cast my vote. I ended up voting for Kerry, I mean better safe than sorry right? (<- That is a horrible attitude to have toward anything, let alone politics.) I used one of those fancy shmacy Diebold voting machines and my polling place was a church. In light of those machines being fixed and all, so that Bush could steal another election, I realized I was worried for nothing because my vote probably didn't count. (<- Okay THAT is a horrible attitude to have). When Bush won his second term this immense feeling of dread and rage came over me and has remained ever since. I am terrified beyond words of the prospect of McCain being president. Yet I am still proud and enthusiastic to make a difference and cast my vote for Obama. He is definitely someone I trust with my country. I know he'll take good care of it because he HONESTLY cares about it.

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